Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Blog #3: Free Expression

Blog #3: Free Expression
By: Blake Youngblood

The United States was founded upon giving people more freedoms. As time has moved on, more of these freedoms have become significantly more important as more and more of the world have realized the importance of free expression for the citizens. All of these values have been through some sort of change or disagreement on what it should protect and who it protects. The First Amendment protects a large variety of basic rights, but I think that the two that stand out to me are Individual Self-Fulfillment and protecting minority views.

Supporting minority opinion is key to having true, fair free speech in America. In the beginning of the American societies, it was the average perception and norm of politicians and people in power that white male landowners were at the top of society, and everyone else would be below them. As society progressed into a more opportunistic country for all, the minority opinion of everyone being equal, no matter race, gender, or language, was able to evolve and transform into the societal and political norms as well. There were laws put into place that tried to stop this from becoming reality, but through numerous accounts of speeches and protesting (violent and non-violent), the public and government found a common standing ground and was able to change their ways.. If the government is able to suppress the minority opinion, then the government is the arbiter of not only law but morals. This will undoubtedly lead to a corrupt nation where no change is allowed due to ideas being shut down constantly.
Being able to express yourself in many different ways to create a new identity is the basis of Individual Self-Fulfillment, and I think it ties in perfectly to supporting minority opinions because if you know you are limited to what you can and can't do as a citizen, how are you ever going to feel like a true fulfilled member of society?

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