Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Blog #4: EOTO

Blog #4: Bluetooth

EOTO: Bluetooth

Early History

In Sweden in 1993, Jaap Haartsen started working on indoor wireless communication systems in what would transform the way the world would communicate. Bluetooth was developed to enable a wide range of devices to work together in order to communicate with others quickly and effectively. Other goals were low power usage, enabling simple battery operation, and relatively low cost. The idea for Bluetooth was originally targeted for short range without the use of cables, using a variety of low-power radio frequencies. It is named after the 10th century Danish king Harald “Bluetooth” Gormsson, who united Denmark and Norway.

How has it changed?

Bluetooth has shaped the future in more ways than just communication though. In 2021, it was reported that at least 86 percent of all new vehicles in the U.S. offer Bluetooth as a standard feature, and bluetooth is an option on all but 3.4 percent of all new vehicles. An average of 44 million bluetooth speakers are sold per year, and annual Bluetooth device shipments worldwide stood at 4 billion units in the year 2020. Projected units of bluetooth sold in 2022 is 4.9 billion. Bluetooth led to the development of hands-off technology such as apple carplay, bluetooth earbuds, and mobile hotspots/portable wifi.

Future of Bluetooth

If you would have told Jaap Haartsen how much bluetooth would be used around the world today, I doubt even he would believe you. With as much as bluetooth has changed, I believe that it will continue to evolve and reach unheard of levels in the field of technology. Bluetooth products are predicted to increase to 5.4 billion units sold in 2023, and up to 6.4 in 2025. Wow.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Blog #3: Free Expression

Blog #3: Free Expression
By: Blake Youngblood

The United States was founded upon giving people more freedoms. As time has moved on, more of these freedoms have become significantly more important as more and more of the world have realized the importance of free expression for the citizens. All of these values have been through some sort of change or disagreement on what it should protect and who it protects. The First Amendment protects a large variety of basic rights, but I think that the two that stand out to me are Individual Self-Fulfillment and protecting minority views.

Supporting minority opinion is key to having true, fair free speech in America. In the beginning of the American societies, it was the average perception and norm of politicians and people in power that white male landowners were at the top of society, and everyone else would be below them. As society progressed into a more opportunistic country for all, the minority opinion of everyone being equal, no matter race, gender, or language, was able to evolve and transform into the societal and political norms as well. There were laws put into place that tried to stop this from becoming reality, but through numerous accounts of speeches and protesting (violent and non-violent), the public and government found a common standing ground and was able to change their ways.. If the government is able to suppress the minority opinion, then the government is the arbiter of not only law but morals. This will undoubtedly lead to a corrupt nation where no change is allowed due to ideas being shut down constantly.
Being able to express yourself in many different ways to create a new identity is the basis of Individual Self-Fulfillment, and I think it ties in perfectly to supporting minority opinions because if you know you are limited to what you can and can't do as a citizen, how are you ever going to feel like a true fulfilled member of society?

Blog #2: Supreme Court


The Supreme Court

By: Blake Youngblood

Learning about the Supreme Court is interesting to me. Though I never really looked into it that much, the general information that I knew before looking at it is that it is the highest court in the U.S. and the judges on the supreme court are very well respected and know what they are doing. One thing I learned about the Supreme Court is that they get to pick and choose the cases they want to take which is called certiorari. To add more to that essentially they will get many petitions and or cases in which they can accept or deny.

I think the most important take-away about the Supreme Court besides that each justice has their own opinions on things and handle things differently within the laws is also surprising to me. That would be that each petition and any legal issue the same. Essentially they are all on equal standing. Though this is surprising to me, I think it makes sense to be the most important take-away. Because all cases are on equal standing essentially, the Supreme Court has an impact on America based on what cases they take. This gives the Supreme Court a lot of power over social issues.

After watching the the video, I realized just how important the Supreme Court is. Though I have always known it was important, I didn't truly grasp just how important it really is and what they could do. Between picking what petitions and cases they do and that everything is on equal standing. 

Blog #1: 5 News Sources


Post #1: 5 News Sources

By: Blake Youngblood


Youtube is a great source of entertainment as it is an amazing source to get the news you would like to hear about. I personally watch quite a few different golf channels, as well as a few different comedians, and a few daily vloggers. Learning about people's daily lives might sound ridiculous, but some things they do in their daily life might become of interest to people and they might take upon the action or buy the product they see in one of the videos which to me seems beneficial. Many people, such as myself, also get sports information and regular news information from this website because they subscribe to their personal wants and likes. It is an easy way to keep people occupied while giving them the news that they want.


I have used Instagram since about the year 2012. This is the way I keep up with the sports I enjoy seeing and hearing about. I follow different people and teams who interest me and their posts keep me updated on the different sports news I want to hear about. This includes teams posting about upcoming games, brands coming out with new products, and even some inside information from around the different leagues. Just scrolling on my phone for 30 seconds, I can see so many updates on so many athletes and teams which is very interesting and appealing. It is an easy and quick way to find out the information you want to know about. I also follow accounts that will update me on important things going on in the world and in the United States, so I can keep up to date about important situations going on.


TikTok is the newest news and social media site as it has been only been around since 2018. It was formerly known as Musically, but once the site got bought out and revamped, it then blew up to be the popular platform it is today. While many of the accounts only show careless dancing or singing videos, there are also many that post facts and news about what is going on in the world. I personally get a lot of video pop-ups on my for you page regarding sports, things that I find funny, and recommended Tik Toks based on things it knows I like. The app can also be very addicting due to one short video after another (similar to Vine), so people could end up watching videos for hours at a time. I personally would not use this for world news, but it is great for some quick facts and fun!

Fox News 

I personally don't usually like watching the news due to the arguments politics tend to cause, as well as it being a bit on the boring side, but news anchors including Tucker Carlson make watching the news a little more entertaining. My family and I tend to watch the Fox News channel in order to get the major important news we would like to hear about. We enjoy this channel because the anchors who speak at most times of the day, make hearing about the information more eventful and easier to understand. Watching this channel has helped me gain information on what is going on in the world that is important to hear about. I believe social media sites give good information, but news channels give all of the necessary and important information people need to hear about what is going on around them. Also, Fox News has a website that shows a lot of the stories and topics they cover, which is easy to navigate and scan through when you are in a rush! 


Just as I use Instagram to look for different sports teams and athletes, I use ESPN to follow the scores and updates from different sports around the world. I have always dreamed of becoming a sports analyst, so when I watch ESPN not only am I watching the news on the sports I love, but I am also learning the ways of the best sports analysts in the world! I also use this to write sports journals, which I have been writing for close to a year now, in hope that they will one day land me a sports networking job.

Blog #4: EOTO

Blog #4: Bluetooth EOTO: Bluetooth Early History In Sweden in 1993, Jaap Haartsen started working on indoor wireless communication systems ...